This Is Me:

The Official blog of Rotten Sandwich co-founder Dan Lam, his drawings, doodles, pictures and mindless jabber as you like. This may be the only thing keeping his sanity in check and his mind off of smoking, at least till his fingers leave the keyboard.

Friday, September 23, 2011

When I was in CA

Here are some more photos from my trip to Berkeley.

The one thing I love about California is that it is a big car culture over there.

You can find fixed up vintage cars parked in almost every corner.

Abandoned sneakers.

View from Grizzly Peak.

Daryn Deluco (Director of Photography)

While I was in Berkeley, I made myself a little playlist that included mostly Cali's own Best Coast. And one of there songs, I would like to post up here is my favorite.

"Gone Again" by Best Coast

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Berkeley, CA Part 1

Earlier last month I spent some time in California working on a short film for a friend. I've had an amazing time out there and plan to go back to visit. During the shoot, I would take walks in the mornings before being picked up to go to the set and I would take my Nikomat with my 24mm lens with me and document what I saw. There's more to come.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Photos I took during work in Upstate New York for a short film.