This Is Me:

The Official blog of Rotten Sandwich co-founder Dan Lam, his drawings, doodles, pictures and mindless jabber as you like. This may be the only thing keeping his sanity in check and his mind off of smoking, at least till his fingers leave the keyboard.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Shame on Me

Been too lazy and super busy to type in a new blog entry. But I'll let you know one thing. The new Martin Scorsese film, Shutter Island is fantastic and you should go out to watch it now.

I've been in a creative slump, which is why I haven't posted anything in a while. I haven't been drawing and writing, just reading and watching things as well as listening to some new music. I guess to inspire me. I'm starting a second twitter account, this time it will be mainly for me to express my ideas of what a better world could be. So be sure to check it out @SpreadTheIdea

I'll be trying to get something done by the end of the week. Let's hope it'll work!